
The work we conduct at Case School of Engineering’s Solar Durability and Lifetime Extension (SDLE) Research Center wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of our dedicated research team. On this page, you can see which faculty members are involved with our work at Case Western Reserve University. We also encourage you to get to know our post doc and student researchers.

Materials Data Science for Stockpile Stewardship (MDS) Affiliated Faculty

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    Alp Sehirlioglu

    Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

    Develops new materials through exploitation of interfaces to control functionality and exploration of multi-functionality for energy-related applications

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    John Lewandowski

    Arthur P. Armington Professor of Engineering II
    Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Director, Nitinol Commercialization Accelerator
    Director, Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center (AMMRC)

    Researches material reliability for biomedical and structural applications, advanced materials manufacturing and processing/microstructure/property relationships. Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing.

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    Vipin Chaudhary

    Department Chair, Computer and Data Sciences Department
    Kevin J. Kranzusch Professor
    Professor, Computer and Data Sciences Department

    High Performance Computing and Applications to Science, Engineering, Biology, and Medicine; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Data Science; Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Interventions; Medical Image Processing; Computer Architecture; Quantum Computing.

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    Frank Ernst

    Department Chair, Materials Science and Engineering
    Leonard Case Jr. Professor of Engineering
    Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

    Studies and engineers microstructures, interfaces and surfaces of metallic materials by novel methods of processing and microcharacterization

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    Matthew Willard

    Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

    Investigates phase transformations and materials processing, especially their impact on structure and properties of materials

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    An Wang

    Assistant Professor, Computer and Data Sciences Department

    Leverage advanced network technologies to enhance data center system performance and security; optimize distributed machine learning system performance and investigate deep learning model security and privacy concerns.

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    Erman Ayday

    Assistant Professor, Computer and Data Sciences Department

    Privacy enhancing technologies, data security and applied cryptographyy

Research Faculty

Pawan K. Tripathi

Mathematics Department

Anirban Mondal

University of Florida Faculty

Kris Davis

Mengjie Li

Center for Advancing Sustainable and Distributed Fertilizer Production (CASFER) Affiliated Faculty

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    Julie Renner

    Dean's Fellow for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

    Develops biomolecular platforms to control solid-liquid interfaces and enable a new generation of advanced technologies


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    Chris Yingchun Yuan

    Leonard Case Jr. Professor of Engineering
    Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    Researches design, manufacturing and sustainability science of lithium ion batteries, solar cells and nanotechnologies.

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    Huichun (Judy) Zhang

    Frank H. Neff Professorship in Civil Engineering
    Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Examines fate and transformation of environmental contaminants in natural and engineered environments and develops advanced water/wastewater treatment technologies

Center on Materials Data Science for Reliability and Degradation (MDS-Rely) Affiliated Faculty